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Battle of Gettysburg

Battle of Gettysburg

The Battle of Gettysburg: A Comprehensive Overview


The Battle of Gettysburg, fought from July 1 to July 3, 1863, was a turning point in the American Civil War. This pivotal battle, involving the Union Army of the Potomac led by Major General George G. Meade and the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia commanded by General Robert E. Lee, marked the furthest advance of Confederate forces into Northern territory and ended with a significant Union victory.

Historical Context

  1. Civil War Background: The Civil War, which began in April 1861, was primarily fought over issues of states’ rights and slavery. By mid-1863, the war had become a prolonged and bloody conflict with no clear end in sight.
  2. Lee’s Invasion of the North: In the summer of 1863, General Lee sought to invade the North, hoping to relieve pressure on war-torn Virginia, resupply his army, and potentially encourage foreign intervention or Northern peace movements. His army moved through the Shenandoah Valley into Pennsylvania, aiming to threaten cities like Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C.

The Battle

  1. Day 1 – July 1, 1863:
    • Initial Engagements: The battle began as Confederate forces clashed with Union cavalry northwest of Gettysburg. Union General John Buford’s cavalry delayed the Confederate advance until Union infantry arrived.
    • Union Retreat: Throughout the day, more Union and Confederate troops converged on Gettysburg. Despite fierce resistance, Union forces were pushed back through the town to strong defensive positions on Cemetery Hill and Cemetery Ridge.
  2. Day 2 – July 2, 1863:
    • Confederate Assaults: Lee ordered attacks on both Union flanks, hoping to break their lines. Notable engagements occurred at Little Round Top, Devil’s Den, the Wheatfield, and the Peach Orchard.
    • Union Defense: Despite initial successes, Confederate forces were repelled by staunch Union defenses, particularly at Little Round Top, where Union Colonel Joshua L. Chamberlain’s 20th Maine Regiment made a famous bayonet charge.
  3. Day 3 – July 3, 1863:
    • Pickett’s Charge: The climactic moment came with Lee’s decision to launch a massive frontal assault on the Union center at Cemetery Ridge. Known as Pickett’s Charge, approximately 12,500 Confederate soldiers advanced across open fields under heavy artillery and rifle fire.
    • Union Victory: The charge was a devastating failure, with Confederate forces suffering heavy casualties and being forced to retreat. This repulse marked the end of the battle and Lee’s hopes for a decisive victory on Northern soil.

Aftermath and Significance

  1. Casualties: The Battle of Gettysburg was the bloodiest battle of the Civil War, with estimates of 51,000 soldiers killed, wounded, captured, or missing. The Union suffered around 23,000 casualties, while Confederate losses were approximately 28,000.
  2. Turning Point: Gettysburg is often considered the turning point of the Civil War. Lee’s defeat ended his invasion of the North and marked the beginning of the Confederacy’s decline. It bolstered Union morale and demonstrated that Lee’s army could be defeated.
  3. Strategic Impact: The victory at Gettysburg, combined with the fall of Vicksburg on July 4, 1863, gave the Union control of the Mississippi River and split the Confederacy. These twin victories significantly shifted the war’s momentum in favor of the Union.
  4. Gettysburg Address: On November 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address at the dedication of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery. In his brief but profound speech, Lincoln reaffirmed the principles of liberty and equality and redefined the purpose of the war as not just a struggle for the Union, but a new birth of freedom.

    “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal… that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”


  1. Military Lessons: The Battle of Gettysburg provided numerous military lessons in strategy, leadership, and tactics. It highlighted the importance of terrain, the impact of logistics, and the crucial role of intelligence and reconnaissance.
  2. Cultural and Historical Significance: Gettysburg has become a symbol of national unity and sacrifice. The battlefield is preserved as Gettysburg National Military Park, visited by millions annually. The battle and Lincoln’s address continue to resonate in American memory and identity.
  3. Commemoration: The legacy of Gettysburg is commemorated through reenactments, monuments, and educational programs. It serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made during the Civil War and the enduring struggle for the values of freedom and equality.


The Battle of Gettysburg was a defining moment in American history, representing both a critical military victory for the Union and a profound statement on the values at the heart of the nation’s identity. Its legacy, marked by the sacrifices of thousands and immortalized in Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, continues to shape America’s understanding of its past and aspirations for its future.

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